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All Properties LLC is a team of professional real estate investors and renovators dedicated to providing our clients with efficient and reliable solutions. We offer to purchase land, single-family homes, multi-family homes, or multi-unit properties from owners who want to sell quickly and easily. Our expertise lies in assisting property owners who may be facing challenging situations or those who prefer not to deal with the stress of listing and waiting for a sale. We have the proficiency to purchase properties in any price range and handle even the most complex repairs with professionalism and expertise.
The easiest way to sell your home. We’ll guide you through 4-simple steps.
Submit your address and fill us in on the unique situation of your property and condition
How can we do our best to help you with your current situation
We work with you and discuss our many options to design a plan best tailored for your unique situation and create the best outcome
Depending on what outcome and agreement we come to, we close the deal and get you paid or out your distressed situation.